So what's resource depletion? It's basically like a shortage of materials. For example, oil, if we use a lot of that, then the world would be short of oil. Also, food is another material that is running out quickly because the world's population is expanding. There can also be a shortage of food because a certain area of the world is overpopulated. Another sort of resource depletion is deforestation. Deforestation is the natural cleaning process of forests being cleaned by burning trees/plants in a forested area and by logging. With that happening, there will be a shortage of trees, which means that less paper will be produced. To be honest, there is not much time to do something about it. Do you know why? For food depletion, the reasons can be that certain areas around the world waste their food and don't really think about others that need it more than they do.The food will eventually run out and it would be too late. For deforestation, the plants and the trees will die because people all around the world will be too late to take action. Without minerals from the earth, there won't be any food, clothing or even housing. We can prevent resource depletion by reusing renewable materials such as paper/cardboard that can be used for something else, left over food that can be given to others who are in need.
A BBC article which goes in deeper detail of resource depletion.
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